Any sushi lovers around?

Any sushi lovers around?
Posted on: 01.07.2013 by Dannie Dimora
I could literally live of sushi.. day and evening ..
The only problem is... that the nearest restaurant is about 200km from me.

Do it myself! 5 years of practice cooking japanese foods, incl. sushi, are showing the results :P

here's a pic of what i did a year or so ago for a friend's birthday party

Shoo, any other sushi/japanese cuisine lovers out there?
Judi Sissel
Guilty. I could live off sushi no problem!

Couple rolls, a bottle off warm saki (shots), and an ice cold Sapporo (or ashai) to wash it down.... Golden!
Hellen Mindrup
Texture of it gets me, my body shuts down all types of seafood, cooked or raw lol.
Dannie Dimora
Originally Posted by nudedudewithattitude
I LOVE SUSHI! The Mrs. isn't a fan, so when I get it eat it, it's a treat. Great work, btw!
Well shame about that :P At least treats are always tastier than "regular food" hehe

Originally Posted by Kwal
I am a sushi hater 100 percent, I can't tolerate it lol.

But as for you, that does look like you did a pretty good job, something I couldn't do myself
Thanks! Why exactly do you hate it if i may ask? nori algae? raw fish?

Originally Posted by VanGogo
Wow looks great! Need to put that in the Food Porn thread.

I made sushi once, http://community .djranking

Where I live you can't throw a rock without hitting a sushi place. There are 4 sushi places less than a mile from my house, and many more around the city.
also, the sushi you posted pics of looks gorgeous!

Originally Posted by SlvrDragon50
American sushi or real sushi?

Love American sushi lol. Real sushi, bit too bland for me.
Well i do find "real" japanese-traditional sushi to be a bit bland, and i do prefer the stronger flavors of occidental sushi, but sometimes complexity just takes away the magic of the simple, traditional sushi

Originally Posted by padi_04
Sushi has always been kinda meh to me but gf got me into it for the last year
I still can't convince my girlfriend to eat it.. "eeew raw fish"

Originally Posted by Patch
I could LIVE off sushi too. I absolutely adore it.

I wish I knew a safe way to freeze/thaw/prepare it.
Glad to hear!
You're probably talking about the fish here?
Brunilda Kora
I could LIVE off sushi too. I absolutely adore it.

I wish I knew a safe way to freeze/thaw/prepare it.
Hellen Mindrup
Originally Posted by VanGogo
Wow looks great! Need to put that in the Food Porn thread.

I made sushi once, http://community .djranking

Where I live you can't throw a rock without hitting a sushi place. There are 4 sushi places less than a mile from my house, and many more around the city.
LA? It's like that here in Chicago too

It's the cool thing to do here apparently.
Nedra Fresneda
Sushi has always been kinda meh to me but gf got me into it for the last year
Gaynell Rydberg
American sushi or real sushi?

Love American sushi lol. Real sushi, bit too bland for me.
Charline Dye
Wow looks great! Need to put that in the Food Porn thread.

I made sushi once, http://community .djranking

Where I live you can't throw a rock without hitting a sushi place. There are 4 sushi places less than a mile from my house, and many more around the city.
Hellen Mindrup
I am a sushi hater 100 percent, I can't tolerate it lol.

But as for you, that does look like you did a pretty good job, something I couldn't do myself
Marcelina Hanaway
I LOVE SUSHI! The Mrs. isn't a fan, so when I get it eat it, it's a treat. Great work, btw!

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