HIGH GAIN issues

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HIGH GAIN issues
Posted on: 21.05.2012 by Hyman Werness
Has anyone ever experienced the Gains seem too high inside the software every time you try and load a track?
Hyman Werness
Has anyone ever experienced the Gains seem too high inside the software every time you try and load a track?
Hyman Werness
seems to be working a lot better with the new Mac MBP 13" all analyzed in itunes/SSL/Rekorbox... and literally did the analyzation 4X faster than my 2 year old 17' HP running windows... that piece stays at the office from here on out.
Dorie Scelzo
Yeah…set your levels lower.

You're playing digital files that are compressed to all hell anyway…just run the output a bit quiet to avoid distortion…the noise floor of you mixer and sound card are going to be a lot quieter than the noise floor in the compressed music you're playing anyway.
Hyman Werness
Im an SSL user not itch... but the same would apply i assume? in settings section?
Nedra Fresneda
Ignore me, haven't slept yet
Corine Kasman
I believe Padi means Itch and not Traktor

Try 0 dB of headroom for starters. This should give you close to "12 o'clock" gain settings, with small adjustments, for each track.
If you find the Limiter kicking in too often, turn down your gains a bit or increase the headroom (go to a bigger positive number). Headroom is NOT a way to increase output, that's the Master knob alone's job
Nedra Fresneda
Autogain adjustments don't apply if you loaded a track before it got analyzed, reload the track to fix this. You can also set the headroom on Traktor preferences if you feel that it's output is too hot.

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