Laptop Spec help..?

Laptop Spec help..?
Posted on: 12.10.2012 by Willy Karasick
I am currently looking about for a new laptop to run my kontrol s4 on as the laptop at the moment can't handle it and there is a lot of dropouts etc even with hours of tweaking and playing around. I was looking here at this HP laptop and was wondering if anyone has used it with the S4 or if any of the computer tech heads on here would know if the S4 would run smoothly on this system..?

Any help would be appreciated
Willy Karasick
I am currently looking about for a new laptop to run my kontrol s4 on as the laptop at the moment can't handle it and there is a lot of dropouts etc even with hours of tweaking and playing around. I was looking here at this HP laptop and was wondering if anyone has used it with the S4 or if any of the computer tech heads on here would know if the S4 would run smoothly on this system..?

Any help would be appreciated
Francesca Reeley
save 800 bucks and get a nice customized lenovo laptop with an i7 6 gigs ram and over 500gig hard drive. even better is if you have the money swap out the hard drive for a SSD. search on for those specs
Celine Surico
Looking at how SW constantly needs more resources long term, try to get a four-core laptop so you have some headroom the next 3+ years.
Annalisa Shogren
After using an AMD laptop and TP2 since release with it, I would recommend getting a laptop with an i5 processor.

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