S2 4 FX Units

S2 4 FX Units
Posted on: 07.12.2012 by Pamela Sigur
Can you map FX units 3 & 4 to Decks A & B so you have access to 6 effects per deck?
Pamela Sigur
Can you map FX units 3 & 4 to Decks A & B so you have access to 6 effects per deck?
Jodie Hurlbert
Hy pals i could do it, but using the controller in midi mode, can you share the links of your mappings?

Camelia Slivinsky
i have made mapping for this, search for it under the mapping page
Kellie Myrum
You can use same concept from DJTT custom S2 mapping and edit it to toggle between FX units instead of jogFX.

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