solution: how to get more fx presets with the embedded mapping ;)

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solution: how to get more fx presets with the embedded mapping ;)
Posted on: 22.11.2010 by Kecia Wnukowski
I've passed roughly the last two weeks to try the s4 (mapping wise).
I did tests with the embedded mapping, tests in midi mode, tests with user s4 mappings, I tried combinations of the above, I tried many things to get back to the following conclusion: if I want to use sample decks there's no sense for me to produce a user mapping as:
1/ you're loosing so much from the embedded one in terms of feedback and functions that what you're going to add with a user one really needs to be valuable within your workflow
2/ a user mapping will not come even as close to the embedded one, trying to copy the embedded one will necessarily imply several different mappings, using a LOT of modifiers, extended mapping techniques like modifiers with multiple layers (hiding modifiers within modifiers), etc, etc..
(in other words you'll have to create modifiers that will reflect the hardware/software different states - and there's a huuuge lot hence the difficulty of producing a complex user mapping, I mean more complex from what I've seen yet)
3/ it is a shame with this nice piece of kit to use it with midi mode.

Now that doesn't mean a user mapping can't be doable (some already offered their own version, I did one with extended Fx controls during my tests) but still I personally believe that the gain from a user mapping compared to what's already offered with the embedded one make the effort a bit pointless (only my current opinion here as long as NI doesn't offer either the possibility to have leds to blink independently of volume, sound or beat phase monitor; or doesn't offer the command lines to map the loop length screen).

So, I came back to the embedded one and worked on it a bit as I wasn't ready to let go the idea of twisting it: I have a few things under my sleeve, but here's the first one:

How to get 4 different FX presets in group mode instead of one and 4 different different advanced FX presets (without the limitation of the three chosen included one in the preferences)?

I believe the choice offered is very limited within the preferences, I, like many, prefer to work with a small range of effective FXs or combinations of them instead of having to search around. So that only works if you are ready to loose the ability of choosing FX on the fly as we 're going to twist and literally stop the FX search functions.

First, there are some rules to understand (other exists but they're not relevant here for what we want to do):
1/you can't really replace what's going on within TS4 and the hardware, so there's no overwriting as such (well, there are some cases) AND you have to adapt to what the whole does
2/you can add commands when there's none previewed or add commands to existing ones but "most" of the time the original function will happen (Once again there are cases when you can negate a function but that's not relevant here either).
3/lines of commands do work in terms of priority or timing (I know it's not clear but see below)

so this is what we're going to do:
without the added mapping/ with the mapping, custom
On group mode
- Shift+ fx on will call the group of A,B,C (normal & custom)
- Shift+ button 1 will search FX1st; call preset D,E,F
- Shift + button 2 will search Fx2nd; call preset G,H,I
- Shift + button 3 will search Fx3rd; call preset J,K,L

On advanced mode:
- Shift + Fx one will search the FX, call FX W
- Shift + fx button 1 will call FX A, call FX X
- Shift + fx button 2 will call FX B, call FX Y
- Shift + fx button 3 will call FX C, call FX Z

Here's how (I'm only showing one FX unit here, so you can easily do one and then duplicate for the other one and within a 2 FX units set up in mind. You could do your own version for 4 units - a bit more complex here as you'll have to include other modifiers but the same mappings rules or ideas would apply)

  • Create in addition to the embedded mapping a user one

  • Within, create a modifier #1 using a cue button (any will do) with modifier condition M1=0, direct to 1

  • Add the following commands to the same cue button:
  • Fx panel mode if M1=0 direct to group for FX unit 1
  • Note here, when you'll start your S4, the first thing you'll have to do would be to press your selected cue button once. As its original value would be 0, it will change the FX unit to group as this 'type' of unit will always be our starting point, not doing that will stop our mapping to work and will mess with what you'll do. (well, mine at least, you could do the opposite really but you'll have to adapt what's below). After one press its value would be 1 so it won't repeat the Fx unit's change. Get it? That is our way to sync our mapping with the software.

  • Create a modifier #3 that would be SHIFT, set to hold for value 1

  • Create a modifier #4 that would use the FX mode button with modifier conditions M3=0 and M#4=0 direct to value 1

  • Duplicate it this time with M3=0 and M4=1, direct to value 0
    So here M4=0 means we're in group mode, M4=1 advanced mode. As when you start your software the modifiers are all set to 0 that's why we needed our modifier 1/cue button to be sure we start 'on sync' with the software.
    Just check that in case you're in group mode and M4=1 you have to just re-learn it (pressing any button during the mapping process will continue to produce effects our your S4 so).
    We also made sure that pressing shift + FX mode, what is used for snapshots in the S4, doesn't affect our modifier state

Go to group mode, if all is ok M4=0

At this point I'm just going to give you an additional side tip, the button 'FX ON' doesn't have anything mapped to it, so you can map whatever you want on the button (don't forget to add the modifier condition M4=0 and M3=0, ie, no shift pressed and in group mode). It's a good spot to put a LFO reset don't you believe (or whatever but it's a shame to not use this button)?
  • we don't care about shift + button Fx on here as it will call your three FX chosen in the preferences of the S4 and, in case you need to change them, do it in the preferences stupid!!

  • Create three different "group FX select" commands (effect 1, effect 2, effect 3) and choose whatever combination of three FX you like (all set to direct). Add the modifier conditions M4=0 and M3=1 (group mode+shift).
    You've just replaced the original search function for FX 1 in group mode by a preset of three desired FX called directly.
    That works because the command fx select, set as direct overcomes the original embedded "next" search function.

  • Repeat the step for FX buttons 2&3

NB: as you can add commands, at the same time you're choosing your FXs, you can add the commands to set all the FX's parameters to your liking. In my case, I added all d/w and amounts to 0.

As we've done the group mode, let's change the settings for advanced mode:

  • We do as we did above for the first button: 'FX On', you create a single Fx select command for a desired effect, with modifiers M4=1 & M3=1 (adv mode + shift). As above the "direct" command overcomes the original search one.

If you're happy to use the three fx you chose in your very own S4 preferences don't go further, you're done!
Personally speaking, I believe it is too limited so I want to use different ones instead.
However there's an issue, the original Fx search functions on advanced mode are set to direct and we can't overcome them by different ones. That's true, the shift + button 1,2&3 on advanced mode will always call FX A,B &C (you do follow right ). BUT, what we can do is add a command that will take place after that...

All FXs have a place within a list, that list and the order of FX in the list can be changed within the preferences, go your preferences and to the effects' tab
So let's say that my defined three FXs in the S4 are a delay, a reverb and a LFO92, but I want to use a gater, a slicer, delayT3 for my advanced FXs presets.
I make sure that in the list delay, reverb and lfp92 (the three original ones) are separated. Then I move the ones I want them to be called instead just under each original ones respectively (so I put gater under delay, slicer under reverb and delayt3 under LFO92).

Now go back to the controller manager:
  • Create a new command line for the button Fx1 for a Fx select fucntion ('single' of course) but put it as next and check invert , with modifier conditions M4=1 & M3=1.
  • Try it. It works. Badadadadamdam!!! What happens is as the command line applies after the original one thanks to the invert option of the function we were able to call whatever effect we liked by cleverly placing it in our list of FXs....

  • Repeat the process (or not) for the other buttons.

That's it, we now have 4 different presets of 3 FXs for group mode and 4 different presets for advanced mode that may or not be related to what you decided in you preferences.
Of course you may or may not want to map all buttons and loose the ability to search through FXs, you can do some and change the others, but that's your call, do as you see fit.

I hope some of you might enjoy the trick presented here, I'm sure it will make some believe about what's feasible or not...
Please excuse my poor grammar, style and short range of vocabulary.
Kecia Wnukowski
I've passed roughly the last two weeks to try the s4 (mapping wise).
I did tests with the embedded mapping, tests in midi mode, tests with user s4 mappings, I tried combinations of the above, I tried many things to get back to the following conclusion: if I want to use sample decks there's no sense for me to produce a user mapping as:
1/ you're loosing so much from the embedded one in terms of feedback and functions that what you're going to add with a user one really needs to be valuable within your workflow
2/ a user mapping will not come even as close to the embedded one, trying to copy the embedded one will necessarily imply several different mappings, using a LOT of modifiers, extended mapping techniques like modifiers with multiple layers (hiding modifiers within modifiers), etc, etc..
(in other words you'll have to create modifiers that will reflect the hardware/software different states - and there's a huuuge lot hence the difficulty of producing a complex user mapping, I mean more complex from what I've seen yet)
3/ it is a shame with this nice piece of kit to use it with midi mode.

Now that doesn't mean a user mapping can't be doable (some already offered their own version, I did one with extended Fx controls during my tests) but still I personally believe that the gain from a user mapping compared to what's already offered with the embedded one make the effort a bit pointless (only my current opinion here as long as NI doesn't offer either the possibility to have leds to blink independently of volume, sound or beat phase monitor; or doesn't offer the command lines to map the loop length screen).

So, I came back to the embedded one and worked on it a bit as I wasn't ready to let go the idea of twisting it: I have a few things under my sleeve, but here's the first one:

How to get 4 different FX presets in group mode instead of one and 4 different different advanced FX presets (without the limitation of the three chosen included one in the preferences)?

I believe the choice offered is very limited within the preferences, I, like many, prefer to work with a small range of effective FXs or combinations of them instead of having to search around. So that only works if you are ready to loose the ability of choosing FX on the fly as we 're going to twist and literally stop the FX search functions.

First, there are some rules to understand (other exists but they're not relevant here for what we want to do):
1/you can't really replace what's going on within TS4 and the hardware, so there's no overwriting as such (well, there are some cases) AND you have to adapt to what the whole does
2/you can add commands when there's none previewed or add commands to existing ones but "most" of the time the original function will happen (Once again there are cases when you can negate a function but that's not relevant here either).
3/lines of commands do work in terms of priority or timing (I know it's not clear but see below)

so this is what we're going to do:
without the added mapping/ with the mapping, custom
On group mode
- Shift+ fx on will call the group of A,B,C (normal & custom)
- Shift+ button 1 will search FX1st; call preset D,E,F
- Shift + button 2 will search Fx2nd; call preset G,H,I
- Shift + button 3 will search Fx3rd; call preset J,K,L

On advanced mode:
- Shift + Fx one will search the FX, call FX W
- Shift + fx button 1 will call FX A, call FX X
- Shift + fx button 2 will call FX B, call FX Y
- Shift + fx button 3 will call FX C, call FX Z

Here's how (I'm only showing one FX unit here, so you can easily do one and then duplicate for the other one and within a 2 FX units set up in mind. You could do your own version for 4 units - a bit more complex here as you'll have to include other modifiers but the same mappings rules or ideas would apply)

  • Create in addition to the embedded mapping a user one

  • Within, create a modifier #1 using a cue button (any will do) with modifier condition M1=0, direct to 1

  • Add the following commands to the same cue button:
  • Fx panel mode if M1=0 direct to group for FX unit 1
  • Note here, when you'll start your S4, the first thing you'll have to do would be to press your selected cue button once. As its original value would be 0, it will change the FX unit to group as this 'type' of unit will always be our starting point, not doing that will stop our mapping to work and will mess with what you'll do. (well, mine at least, you could do the opposite really but you'll have to adapt what's below). After one press its value would be 1 so it won't repeat the Fx unit's change. Get it? That is our way to sync our mapping with the software.

  • Create a modifier #3 that would be SHIFT, set to hold for value 1

  • Create a modifier #4 that would use the FX mode button with modifier conditions M3=0 and M#4=0 direct to value 1

  • Duplicate it this time with M3=0 and M4=1, direct to value 0
    So here M4=0 means we're in group mode, M4=1 advanced mode. As when you start your software the modifiers are all set to 0 that's why we needed our modifier 1/cue button to be sure we start 'on sync' with the software.
    Just check that in case you're in group mode and M4=1 you have to just re-learn it (pressing any button during the mapping process will continue to produce effects our your S4 so).
    We also made sure that pressing shift + FX mode, what is used for snapshots in the S4, doesn't affect our modifier state

Go to group mode, if all is ok M4=0

At this point I'm just going to give you an additional side tip, the button 'FX ON' doesn't have anything mapped to it, so you can map whatever you want on the button (don't forget to add the modifier condition M4=0 and M3=0, ie, no shift pressed and in group mode). It's a good spot to put a LFO reset don't you believe (or whatever but it's a shame to not use this button)?
  • we don't care about shift + button Fx on here as it will call your three FX chosen in the preferences of the S4 and, in case you need to change them, do it in the preferences stupid!!

  • Create three different "group FX select" commands (effect 1, effect 2, effect 3) and choose whatever combination of three FX you like (all set to direct). Add the modifier conditions M4=0 and M3=1 (group mode+shift).
    You've just replaced the original search function for FX 1 in group mode by a preset of three desired FX called directly.
    That works because the command fx select, set as direct overcomes the original embedded "next" search function.

  • Repeat the step for FX buttons 2&3

NB: as you can add commands, at the same time you're choosing your FXs, you can add the commands to set all the FX's parameters to your liking. In my case, I added all d/w and amounts to 0.

As we've done the group mode, let's change the settings for advanced mode:

  • We do as we did above for the first button: 'FX On', you create a single Fx select command for a desired effect, with modifiers M4=1 & M3=1 (adv mode + shift). As above the "direct" command overcomes the original search one.

If you're happy to use the three fx you chose in your very own S4 preferences don't go further, you're done!
Personally speaking, I believe it is too limited so I want to use different ones instead.
However there's an issue, the original Fx search functions on advanced mode are set to direct and we can't overcome them by different ones. That's true, the shift + button 1,2&3 on advanced mode will always call FX A,B &C (you do follow right ). BUT, what we can do is add a command that will take place after that...

All FXs have a place within a list, that list and the order of FX in the list can be changed within the preferences, go your preferences and to the effects' tab
So let's say that my defined three FXs in the S4 are a delay, a reverb and a LFO92, but I want to use a gater, a slicer, delayT3 for my advanced FXs presets.
I make sure that in the list delay, reverb and lfp92 (the three original ones) are separated. Then I move the ones I want them to be called instead just under each original ones respectively (so I put gater under delay, slicer under reverb and delayt3 under LFO92).

Now go back to the controller manager:
  • Create a new command line for the button Fx1 for a Fx select fucntion ('single' of course) but put it as next and check invert , with modifier conditions M4=1 & M3=1.
  • Try it. It works. Badadadadamdam!!! What happens is as the command line applies after the original one thanks to the invert option of the function we were able to call whatever effect we liked by cleverly placing it in our list of FXs....

  • Repeat the process (or not) for the other buttons.

That's it, we now have 4 different presets of 3 FXs for group mode and 4 different presets for advanced mode that may or not be related to what you decided in you preferences.
Of course you may or may not want to map all buttons and loose the ability to search through FXs, you can do some and change the others, but that's your call, do as you see fit.

I hope some of you might enjoy the trick presented here, I'm sure it will make some believe about what's feasible or not...
Please excuse my poor grammar, style and short range of vocabulary.
Oswaldo Appeldorn
;( i didn't look at the post date.... sorry
Kecia Wnukowski
That's quite a resurrection: it's quite old.
And actually it's not up to date anymore as the override option makes things way easier (on the fx controls at least).
That thread has not much interest really.
Oswaldo Appeldorn
Thanks for all, but my english is not much good, i believe it will be better to make a video to really know how it's going.. Anyways i will take some times to read all that, thanks again!
Jonnie Bech
I've added a second part so you can get even more presets (up to 8 in group mode and 8 in advanced mode per Fx unit).
Clinton Kordell
Got me believeing. Nice work.
Naoma Rohlik
I'm sure it all works great but i'd love to know if anyone out there has done this coz i have'nt got hours to sit infront of my s4 mapping buttons and modifiers.... well done tho if you have but a lovely TSI would be great fun and really appreciated by everyone that reads this post...!!

anyone mapped thier Pad Kontrol to run along side S4.....?
Kecia Wnukowski

Ok so we've seen that we could change partly the way we can call FXs by overcoming one way or the other what's previewed originally and actually we can even go a bit further to get more presets:

in the embedded mapping, the 4 fx buttons (on, button1, 2 & 3) are previewed to have a function either with or without their related shift (left shift or right shift for units 1 & 2 respectively). As we saw in my first post we can add commands so we can use the opposite shift to get more presets by 'neutralizing' the native function of the buttons (as the embedded mapping doesn't preview it and will treat the push of those buttons like we're not using any shift). Using the two shifts would allow up to 8 presets of 3 chained FXs in group mode and 8 advanced ones/per Fx unit

Here's how:
  • Add in our previous user mapping a new command line for modifier 3# (we already created it so it equals one when our related shift is held) but this time use the opposite shift set it to hold but for value 2.

  • Create the FXs commands you need to call the new presets using both the FX unit states (our modifier 2: 0 meaning you're choosing for group mode, 1 for advanced mode) AND the opposite shift (M3=2).

As a personal opinion only, when I'm using macros to call presets that I'm going to control with the dedicated controls (in other words the 'physical FX unit'), I usually add all d/w, amounts, 'effect on' commands and the likes at this stage and also set them to 0 as it allows me to get a 'safety zone' before really touching the physical controls.
It might be a good idea for you to do the same as when we'll add our macros for this stage (using the opposite shift to get more presets, you still follow?), the native function of the fx buttons will happen anyway but:
In group mode:
- the FX one button doesn't have a function so there's no problem here.
- the buttons 1,2&3 will toggle the fx 1,2&3 on&off respectively. However if you added the "fx on" commands set to 0 in your mapping (with the correct modifiers conditions), those commands will replace the native 'toggle' ones.
In advanced mode it's 'quite' the same:
- the Fx on button can be cancelled by a 'Effect on' command set to 0
- the first button (reset) can't be cancelled and will always apply; as you're searching for an FX here, that shouldn't be too much of a problem especially if you created all settings commands for your FX.
- the second and third buttons (Fx advanced button 1&2 on/off) can be cancelled by the corresponding setting commands (effects on to 0)

So if you proceed correctly, you now have in total 16 different presets (8x3 fxs & 8 advanced ones) you can call. Not bad hmm?
That's it for now, may be more later
Karl Forde
Good stuff. No TSI to post though???
Freddie Vucci
thank you so much for this! I've been believeing about this for a while now
Leeanna Ayla
Impressive!! I'm going to have to read it a couple more times though.
Hailey Westen
i dont know what most of that stuff means, but all i can say is WOW.
fair play to ya for putting in so much effort to that post.
maybe one day ill be able to understand it

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