audio drops in browse mode s4

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audio drops in browse mode s4
Posted on: 18.05.2013 by Nickole Ausch
sooo my dj partner in crime and I are having problems we use 2 seperet s4 controllers not sync togeather and on there own comps we beatmatch them manually going back an forth from s4 to s4 and run there own main outputs to there own channels on the mixing board we are having audio drops and lagging on both systems only in browse mode we get audio drops and in non browse mode if u turn the browse nod you get lagging other then that everything works fine its just the browse function any help?
Nickole Ausch
sooo my dj partner in crime and I are having problems we use 2 seperet s4 controllers not sync togeather and on there own comps we beatmatch them manually going back an forth from s4 to s4 and run there own main outputs to there own channels on the mixing board we are having audio drops and lagging on both systems only in browse mode we get audio drops and in non browse mode if u turn the browse nod you get lagging other then that everything works fine its just the browse function any help?
Libbie Orion
check the format or file type of the files you are playing
ill bet some of them are NOT mp3

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