forum bug: thread file path is no longer visible

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forum bug: thread file path is no longer visible
Posted on: 02.04.2012 by Jonathan Chiuchiolo
like the topic says, the file path is not there, this means we have to click on "community " up the top and choose the topic to refresh the list, or hit "back" then refresh the browser.

Jonathan Chiuchiolo
like the topic says, the file path is not there, this means we have to click on "community " up the top and choose the topic to refresh the list, or hit "back" then refresh the browser.

Chasidy Heckenbach
much nicer left aligned on both now too
Precious Dawson
Should look good now, let me know if you are still having problems.
Chasidy Heckenbach
works fine here now... using chrome on linux atm and chrome on macosx. is left aligned on linux and centered on macosx tho oddly.

also the menu above isn't wide enough to accomodate the "Quick Links" menu - so that's below (both linux and macosx)
Cyndi Grenz
Doesn't work for me, from the 1st April it does'nt work
Jonathan Chiuchiolo
FIXED! nice work guys
Celestine Porebski
Yeah, please change that back *prettypleasewithsugaronthetop*
Patty Mcgilbra
yeah pretty annoying
Janyce Henningson
Same here and the 'What's New' link has gone
That was pretty useful, would like it back
Noble Check
Yes... please fix this. Thought I was going crazy and it had always been this way...
Aleta Jevtic
Same problem as well. It's not a browser specific problem since I tested the site using Firefox and Chromium.
Chasidy Heckenbach
same here... using chrome on mac osx and linux. also can't find 'search' anywhere now - tho not quite awake yet so maybe me being stupid.
Shay Wyche
I'm having the same problem. Using Firefox if it helps.

If I want to go back to the General Discussion topics, I need to go to the Forum button and then in to General Discussion and then view whatever thread I want to see. Frustrating.

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