Reply to Calling All the Midi Mappers Magician out there!

Calling All the Midi Mappers Magician out there!
Hi all,

I am about to developing an ableton live set that will allow me to remix and create new improvisations/tunes on the fly using an apc20 and possibly (will see how it goes) a ddm4000 with great flexibility which I havent seen around yet (no need to look up the screen, up to 500 tunes could be played with no issues or limitation).


I am kind of a geek and would like to have some more in depth flexibility on my set so i don't have to switch to another system or completely upgrade it in the future, I want something that will allow me to do anything possible and i am nearly there.

Right now, I am kind of stuck in two points and because I am working I can't really spend too much time believeing on how to do it.

So here are the two issues I am encountering:
1) I need some sort of modifiers like in traktor, so with one single button I can switch between different effects (M1.0 M1.1 and so on) (i guess you know the trick...if you don't let me's pretty useful in traktor)

2) Do you have any ideas on how can I consolidate even better my mixes in case I have something like 500 songs and completely different sounds (apart from odd reverb effect or mix in key)? Let's say I chopped two songs in 5 different parts and would like to have a sort of live would you go to not give the perception to the listener that it's a mashup?
I like the Minus style of mixing as you can't really tell when a song start/end. So the entire set is robust! I wish I could get the same final effect.

Hope you could understand what I meant and find solution for it,

The set I am developing it's pretty interesting and as soon as I have a beta version I will share a video or mix with the web.


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