Reply to Minor S2 mapping change - possible in TP 2.6?

Minor S2 mapping change - possible in TP 2.6?
Hey guys, please help a mapping newbie out:

I've got an S2 and want to do the following:

1. Take one of the FX knobs and corresponding button from each FX unit and map them as dedicated filter knobs (high pass/low pass in one knob, like on the s4). The (lost) FX functionality, if possible, I would then want to map to the shift function of the gain encoder, or to the primary function leaving the gain setting to the shift functionality (like in the BeauBryte S2 mapping).

2. I don't use "loop in" and "loop out" EVER. Would like to use one of those as a kind of shift control, to get to another bank of 4 hotcues (5-8) on the Hot Cue/Sample Buttons. The other one for toggling to a bank of four instant effects (like midifighter).

All of this only as changes to the original mapping (while retaining HID, I read that was possible with 2.6?).

Can it be done?

That way the S2 would be perfect for me, thanks a lot!
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