Reply to Which DAW suits me?

Which DAW suits me?
I've been producing electronic music since this summer using FruityLoops producer edition. It's great for new producers and it is quick to use but everytime I use it I feel so uncomfortable. I believe its because of its surface and workflow. It looks so boring and you know, you got to spend lots of time stare on it when making music. And the workflow is just too quick and easy and the result is dissapointing. Like really theres no good sounds in FL, I have to use new plugins and these cost alot too. I cant afford all of them as Im only 15.
Please help me choose a new DAW. I am going to buy Macbook soon because I feel its easier to use when producing music.

- A DAW that has LOTS of sounds to pick from
- A DAW that has plenty of good sounds so I dont have to rely on buying new plugins all the time
- A DAW with pretty good sound quality
- A DAW that works on Mac
- A DAW that is not too easy to use
- A DAW that is a little difficult but possible to understand as a new music producer after using it a few months
- A DAW that doesnt cost more than $500
- A DAW that looks good
- A DAW that is not FL

Appreciate quick answers
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