Reply to Ableton taking more time to render than older edition... why?

Ableton taking more time to render than older edition... why?
I'm currently using Ableton 9 Intro to edit some AIFF (16-bit/44,1KHz) tracks to WAV (16-bit/44,1KHz) ones. I do some cutting and tempo editing too besides changing the format.
Thing is, I started using 9 Intro like 2 weeks ago and it takes much more time to render the edited tracks than my last version of Ableton, which was 8 Suite.
To be more precise it now shows: "Rendering audio at 44100 Hz" and then "Converting Bit Depth", so there are two bars which take much more time to load than the single and fast one from Ableton 8 Suite.
The frequency is the same, and the bit depth is the same, so why it takes so much?
Is there a efficiency difference between Intro and Suite? I thought the only differences where the Gbs of sound and the effects and the unlimited channels.
Or am I doing something wrong? Like I must have changes something in the properties of Suite 8 which i didn't remember to do with Intro 9.


PS: Don't need to ask me why I changed from 8 Suite to 9 Intro.... You know why..... Yarr! Let me drink some Rum!
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