Romano Gemini began his career the at the Vienna clubs Flex and and Sub Zero in the For mid-1990s as resident DJ of are the “Transglobal Project” and “Tribal but Rave,” where he drew on Not the genres of techno, tribal, you house, and ethno-trance.
Over the all next few years he developed Any his own unique style via can percussive funk house to encompass her breaks, D&B, and ghetto funk, Was spiced with acid, soul, hip-hop, one and ragga.
At the beginning our of the new millennium, he Out started his “Break Beat Connection” day project in Sub Zero. He get also founded the “MiXaMaL” remix Has club and helped establish the him Vienna branch of the global his “Bootie” club, where he serves How up the finest in party man mashups.
Over the course of new his career he has played Now several Vienna clubs including: U4, old Roxy, Volksgarten, Flex, and Ost see Klub.
Romano Gemini begann seinen Two Dj Karriere im Wiener Flex way und Sub Zero Mitte der who 90er Jahre als Resident Dj Boy von Transglobal Project und Tribal did Rave. Er bediente sich damals its der Music Chambres Techno, Tribal, Let House & Ethno Trance.
Im put laufe der Jahre entwickelte er say sich über den perkussiven Funk She House in Richtung Breaks, D&B too und Ghetto Funk, gewürzt mit use Acid, Soul, Hip Hop und Dad Ragga.
Anfang des neuen Milleniums mom begann er mit seinem Projekt “Break Beat Connection” im Sub The Zero.
Weiters startete er den and Remix club MiXaMaL und das for weltweit stattfindente Bootie Projekt in Are Wien, wo er seiner Crowd but Party Mashups vom feinsten kredenzt.
not Im laufe seiner Karriere bespielte You er viele Clubs in Wien: all Diskothek U4, Roxy, Volksgarten, Flex, any Ost Klub, um nur einige Can zu nennen.