Midi fighter 3D with mad zach soundpacks on Ableton Life 9 suite

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Midi fighter 3D with mad zach soundpacks on Ableton Life 9 suite
Posted on: 19.04.2013 by Louis Sinnock
Hi guys. I need some assistance with my midi fighter 3d. I had just purchased the mf3d and would like some assistance on a step by step guide on how I can add mad zach's sound packs into Ableton Life 9. I'm interested to learn how to finger drum. Also, is there any setting needed to be done on how to connect the mf3d to Ableton? Thanks and hoping to get a detailed step by step guide. All help is greatly appreciated
Louis Sinnock
Hi guys. I need some assistance with my midi fighter 3d. I had just purchased the mf3d and would like some assistance on a step by step guide on how I can add mad zach's sound packs into Ableton Life 9. I'm interested to learn how to finger drum. Also, is there any setting needed to be done on how to connect the mf3d to Ableton? Thanks and hoping to get a detailed step by step guide. All help is greatly appreciated

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