Lock in a certain piano roll?

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Lock in a certain piano roll?
Posted on: 22.02.2013 by Benedict Vanhoose
Hi there,

This has been starting to bug me, for example: i'll write a piano roll with certain keys or a scale with a quick not in each, then i fold the piano roll (ableton). write my stuff, do another quick job and come back and it's folded to the notes that were added, although the other keys had no notes on them i wished they stayed.

is there anyway to combat this or make preset piano rolls? for such like certain scale/minors?
Benedict Vanhoose
Hi there,

This has been starting to bug me, for example: i'll write a piano roll with certain keys or a scale with a quick not in each, then i fold the piano roll (ableton). write my stuff, do another quick job and come back and it's folded to the notes that were added, although the other keys had no notes on them i wished they stayed.

is there anyway to combat this or make preset piano rolls? for such like certain scale/minors?
Monserrate Rupnow
Folding is just a visual tool to make editing easier after you've recorded something, it's not meant to exclude certain notes while you play. Use the MIDI "Scale" plug in that Live comes with for that.

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